So now comes the non root method , ROOT METHOD HERE -> click here
So for non root method you need to install a mod whatsapp called as OG whats app . Credits to the owner . Kustom Hackers and learnhacking supports OG whats app and XDA develops.
  1. First of all, You need to have 2 SIM cards working which are currently available with you so that we can activate 2 whatsapp on same android phone without any problem.
  2. Now open the Original or Stock whatsapp and Tap on options and then Settings >> Chat Settings >> Backup Conversions to backup full whatsapp data along with contact details.Backup whatsapp
  3. Now Just Clear all your Whatsapp Data by Going to Settings >> Applications >> Whatsapp >> Clear DataClear Data of whatsapp
  4. Now go to your SD card and there you will see a folder with name : Whatsapp , Now rename that folder to OGWhatsApp as you can see in the below picture, OGWhatsApp
  5. Now just Uninstall Whatsapp Original version from your Android Phone.
  6. Thereafter, Download OGWhatsapp for Android phone from the mediafire link .
  7. Now install OGwhatsapp on your Android Phone and simply activate it with your previous number, which was your earlier Original Whatsapp number.
  8. After activating you will see all your Conversations which were done using original whatsapp on OGWhatsapp.
  9. Now to run 2 whatsap on same Android phone simultaneously with two accounts- Now just download Whatsapp either from Playstore or from here.
  10. Just activate the original whatsapp with other number and thus enjoy two whatsapp on same android phone.


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